Puppy Enquiry Form

Contact Information

Please enter your name.

Please enter your email address. Please enter a valid email address.

( * indicates a required response )

About Your Household

Are you married, permanent relationship or single?

Married Single Long Term Relationship

Do you have children

Yes No

If Yes, what are their ages (Check all that apply)

Baby 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 8 years 8 to 12 years Teenagers

Please provide information regarding daily life, ie who works and what hours. Do you have the offer of family help rearing / training a puppy?

Do you have any other pets? How many and what type?

I currently reside in?

House with garden House without garden House with land A Unit/Flat

I currently am...?

Home owner
Renting (Have permission for a dog)
Renting (Will need permission)

Is your garden / yard enclosed? (Please describe)

About Your Dog

Where will your dog live?

House Backyard Dog run

When your dog is home alone how will it be confined?

A Crate Loose in House Loose in Yard In dog run

How long will this dog be left alone regularly? (Please explain as best you can)

Have you ever had a Boxer Before?

Own one now
Previously owned a Boxer
Babysat a Boxer & fell in love with the breed
Friend has a Boxer
Family member has a Boxer
Never owned one but have always liked them

What are you looking for?

Male Female Either Mixed Pair Matched Pair

Any particular colour?

Red Light Brindle Dark Brindle White
Flashy Red Flashy Brindle No preference

I am looking for ...

puppy - 8 weeks to 3 months puppy - 3 to 6 months
juvenile - older than 6 months adult - ex-show dog

When do you want to get a puppy?

Looking now In 1-2 months In 3-6 months Just enquiring

What type of activities would you like to do with your Boxer? (check all that apply)

Family Pet, Companion,
Conformation Showing,
Obedience and/or Performance Events,
Therapy Dog,

Would you consider taking a rescue dog?

yes! no, thank you.
Additional Information

Anything else you would like me to know about you?

Would you like me to forward your request to other breeders, on a recommendation basis?

Yes No

NB: Please click the Submit button once only!